Monday 17 June 2013

English apple, cinnamon and cocoa porridge

We ran out of cereal today. It's really inconvenient since we're all moving out in a couple of weeks, so this is the worst time to run out of food. We've run out of oil, hummus and we're nearly out of vinegar too... but that's beside the point. Since we didn't have cereal, I was a bit stumped as to what to do for breakfast. I looked in our pantry and found almost an entire bag of rolled oats... so, the obviously answer was porridge.

There is only one problem.
I. Hate. Porridge.

I simply cannot stand the stuff. It's not the texture, or even the flavour, it's the oats. For some reason I simply don't like them. Which is really a shame, because they're very filling and quite healthy too. Anyway, I didn't really have choice, so I started thinking of flavours I DO like, because maybe if the taste was nice enough I would get over the fact the porridge contained oats (ew). I'm actually rather happy with the result... in fact, it's delicious! Smooth... creamy and sweet... what a great way to start my day!

English Apple, cinnamon and cocoa porridge (serves 2)

-1 cup of rolled oats
-1 1/2 cup of soy (or other non-dairy) milk)
-1 heaped tbs cocoa powder
-3 tbs cinnamon
-3 apples
-5 tbs sugar (or less if you're healthier and less afraid of oats than me!)

1) Pour soy milk into a pot, and bring to a boil.
2) Stir in cocoa, cinnamon and sugar, and reduce to a simmer.
3) De-core and slice apples into small pieces. Add to the pot.
4) Leave simmering for about 30 mins, or until desired consistency.


~Ingi (the newly converted porridge lover!)

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