Wednesday 12 June 2013

Salut, mes chéries

So here I am, sitting on my couch in New Zealand, still agonising about my choice of blog title about half an hour after creating it.
Someone, please give me a better title... It is very frustrating when the title you initially wanted is already taken as a URL and that blog has no posts on it. Such a waste, sigh... ah well! :)
Also, I very much hope it is still possible to change titles. Hmm.

Anyway, as you may have guessed by the title this will be a blog where I mainly share recipes (why else would I state my dietary preference in the title?), and my progress with learning how to cook. This will probably be an awful blog at first, because I am dreadful, and I mean dreadful at cooking. One of my friends once told me she thought I could burn a salad. OK, so I don't think I'm that bad...
Also, I am not one of those people who goes around Instagramming food or whatever, so I don't really have much experience in taking pictures of food. I'd like to think I am alright at photography in general, however I don't have a DSLR or a macro lens (I reeeally want one of those. As I am an architecture student, one would be quite useful for photographing models as well, I believe...) nor, as I say, even any experience with doing things the Instagram way (and I doubt I will ever get Instagram, so that's not going to happen) my photos will initially at least probably be rather poor. However, bear with me! Or don't, it is of course up to you.

If, for some unexplainable reason you do end up finding this blog remotely interesting, do feel free to leave comments. If you have any tips for me in regards to cooking, or recipes you would like to share, please do so, it would be much appreciated!

On that note, I think I shall leave you for now... I hope you all have a lovely evening, or day if you're not in my timezone.


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